
3DArabi Facebook page link:

3d Arabi 

3DArabi, one of the greatest project that I founded in 2015 with a great partnership with Mixed Dimension's co-founder Mohannad Taslaq while I was part of the Mixed dimensions team, it's aimed mainly to teach Arab world the 3D printing and designing technologies especially in Jordan and to create a community for the Arabs people who are interested in 3D printing and 3D design.

I manged 3D arabi from the 2015 until 2019 and now it's managed by Mixed Dimensions

Facebook program link : HERE
YouTube program link: HERE

ايش الفرق؟

Eash Al Farq - Is one of the beautiful projects I did in 2019 with a partnership with Kharabeesh Production Company focused on showing the difference between concepts in the Arabic language.

I talked about the difference between:

The raider and Entrepreneur | Embassy and consulate.
Culture and science | Debit card and credit card.
الدعاية  و الاعلان  | العجز و الافلاس |  Justice and Equality.

Misto Chocolate  (sooooooon .....)

The story of Misto chocolate started in 2020 when the founder Mohammad Misto struggle to find a way to bring back hope and happiness to his family after coronavirus-COVID19 effects, and back then he was looking for something to enrich the hope and to feel the beauty and bring happiness at the same to his family, neighbors, and people around him, to discover that the solution was the chocolate but he didn't feel that the chocolate can present all the happiness feels like beauty and art, so he decided to mix the art that taste and beautiful feeling that always relate to chocolate to start cooking & making his tasty chocolates and presented it as a piece of art for free for everyone around him to share the happiness and hope to the people around him.

They were receiving this high-quality handmade chocolate, enjoy the beauty of the arts, eat it, and feel the delicious filling mix in every side of their tongue, then close their eyes to enjoy this moment until the chocolate gives them the power to wake up again.

Misto Chocolate stroy 

(During the Covid-19 period (in 2020) we lost our beloved ones, friends, family members, and the beautiful memories with them, along with losing our jobs and all life ... at that time, sadness, depression, and stress covered our lives from all sides  ... at that time a touch of hope, happiness was really needed...

when it comes to happiness and positive feelings, I have my personal belief of the effect of chocolate on feelings and change the mood for a better one... searched around me to buy and send to people and beloved one but nothing there literally... So I decided to make my own chocolate and after 3 weeks reached a great taste that can touch the feelings and way taster than lots of other chocolate shops in Jordan ( since it is made with love ... that impacted the overall taste ) to start sending happiness and love to my family but something was missing there ... yes ( it tastes magical... but it looks normal) yup ... that was the point that I decided to upskill myself to add that beauty and luxury touch to the chocolate appearance to make it touches the feeling from outside to inside ...

Now ... Misto Chocolate is considered edible jewelry that toches the feelings, imagination, and wakes up the beautiful memories of our childhood).

Misto Learning Hub
(I'm cooking it now)

The idea behind this initiative is to give the courses core value in the minimum shortest available time. 

Because I value people time and believe of giving the needed information as quick as I can then if the person want to dig deeper into the information he/she can dive more with a solid base and knowledge to build on it.

Misto Learning Hub
(I'm cooking it now)

The V Talk  
(I'm cooking it now)

Boadcast with vinters and adventuerst peopel and companies or organizations founders or excutives to talk about the vintuer side of thier stories and the compaines / orgnaziations and how they takel them.

Main sections and topics:

athar - أثر
(I'm cooking it now)


About project

Project to give people the ability to create a sustainable اجر و حسنات through water, we will provide places like prayer places, people crowded places a fridge with a small water bottle to let people drink it and it works based on the fingerprint to prevent the miss-use of it ( 1 - 2 bottles per day ) and we will custom print on the buttel a label as the client wants (it's a subscription model)

About project

The project is to give people the ability to create a sustainable اجر و حسنات through planting fruit and productive trees.